Carta Coffee Merchants Black and Tan: exoticness in a cup

Meridian more than just a lighter roast.

Carta Coffee Merchants Meridian, more than just a lighter roast. Meridian is Carta Coffee Merchants has another light roast of Kona Coffee that is exceptionally good. A perfect choice for breakfast, or break time, and if you are serving dessert with chocolate, or...
Carta Coffee Merchants Latitude Light or Dark?

Carta Coffee Merchants Latitude Light or Dark?

Carta Coffee Merchants Latitude Light and Dark Carta has a new version of their favorite coffee called Latitude, just in time for the Holidays!  There is now a new, lighter roast available that you can order online. Latitude Light! It’s big, bold, and as rich as the...
Carta Coffee Merchants Latitude Light or Dark?

Latitude Natural vs. Latitude Traditional.

Carta Coffee Merchant’s Latitude Natural vs. Latitude Traditional.   Latitude Natural and Latitude Traditional, are the sample offerings from Carta Coffee Merchants showcasing the difference between processing the same Kona coffee bean, in different ways! The...
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