Coffee Foam

Coffee Foam

  Coffee Foam, it means it is fresh Coffee Foam: after many years of drinking coffee I have made some discoveries and some observations about how to determine when your coffee is still fresh or when it is way past its prime. What does it mean? First of all fresh...

The French Press

 The French Press, the important tool to have: Ah, The French Press, favored by coffee geeks the world over. This particular item is perhaps the best way to bring out the full taste and feel of the coffee. While there are several manufacturers creating good quality...

Coffee Bean Measurements for a French Press

A question was emailed to me last week, asking about the right measurements for a French Press, here is what I use. I like my coffee on the rich side, so I will give you my Coffeeken light, medium measurements. The coffee scoop that I use is a 1/8 cup measurement or...

Vietnamese Coffee Press

Vietnamese Coffee Press, CoffeeKen’s little “guilty pleasure” If there is such a thing as a “guilty pleasure” in the world of coffee gadgets than this is the most likely candidate. The Vietnamese Coffee Press is well known in any Asian bistro or...
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