Harbinger, showing things to come for coffee.

Harbinger means a person or a thing that shows that change is on the way. Harbinger in Fort Collins CO is doing just that, giving us a glimpse of the future coffee shop. There are no over sugared espresso drinks, just the basic espresso menu, and some very select, top shelf coffee beans. The kind of coffee that any coffee coinsure would know about and want.

Harbinger’s lobby

What was the shop like?

Harbinger’s lobby is clean; clean environment, clean lines décor wise, and simple, clean art on display. Most important is the very comfortable non-puffy furniture that enhance the décor.

The size of the shop is medium sized, with plenty of elbow room. Futhermore I noticed that the customers were a mix of business professional, neighbors that live close by, and college students that need a place to study.


How was the service?

Service was excellent! As a stranger to this community driven coffee shop, I was made to feel right at home. The manager greeted me very warmly, and found out what I liked in coffee. She had several great ideas, and the barista followed up with some samples to help me decide. Quite fun to be a part of. The service did not stop with the purchase of my coffee, while I was slowly enjoying my cup, the barista came by with water and filled my glass and made sure to ask if I needed anything else.

Harbinger’s happy customers.

How was the Coffee?

Quite excellent! They roast their own, and have it available by the bag so you can take it home with you. I had a pour over of their El Paraiso. I liked it so much that I did just that, bought a bag, and brought it home.



Finally I highly recommend Harbingers. They are a customer driven coffee shop, with the same commitment to serving the best coffee in a setting that stands out and makes you want to go back for more.

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