Wall Lube and Cappuccino, get your oil change and yourself recharged.
Description:Wall South Dakota has a lot of things, but this is the best. Wall Lube and Cappuccino is a clever mix of auto mechanics and coffee and if you give it some thought it makes a lot of sense. Getting your car or truck in for an oil change should be like this all over the country. Of course some coffee shops would suffer, but your wait at the mechanics would be far more enjoyable. “Make that a double shot with my 3000 mile service and lube job”. It is definitely a gear head hang out and the coffee shop is spotless so as a customer you feel right at home drinking your cappuccino and watching the mechanic work on your vehicle, what a novel concept.
Hours of Operation:
- Monday though Friday; 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday; 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Sunday; closed.
Café or drive-thru:
- Café
Store atmosphere:
- Family-friendly
Internet Connection:
- No Connection
Food for purchase:
- Snacks
Misc Drink additions:
- Half & Half
Non-coffee drinks:
- Hot Cocoa
- Juice
Misc. Notes: You can get you car or truck oiled and lubed, and have a cup of coffee as well.