by Ken Feighner | Aug 20, 2018 | Coffee Review, Coffee Roasters
Carta Coffee Merchant, Kona Peaberry Traditional or Natural, you don’t need to choose, you can have both! Carta Coffee Merchant’s latest offering of Kona Peaberry Traditional or Natural, is now in a sampler pack, so you don’t have to agonize over which type you...
by Ken Feighner | Aug 14, 2017 | Coffee Review
Project Open Hand Roast, Carta Coffee’s Latest Offering for a good cause. Project Open Hand Roast is the latest offering from Hawaii’s own Carta Coffee Merchants. This roast is working in conjunction with Project Open Hand (POH), in San Francisco, CA, an organization...
by Ken Feighner | Dec 12, 2016 | Coffee Review
Carta Coffee Merchants Meridian, more than just a lighter roast. Meridian is Carta Coffee Merchants has another light roast of Kona Coffee that is exceptionally good. A perfect choice for breakfast, or break time, and if you are serving dessert with chocolate, or...